In modern times, it is certainly true that we have more choices than ever when it comes to the fruit and vegetables we eat – allowing us to experience more variety, and enjoy our food to the fullest.
One such example is the guava, which while still rare, has become increasingly common – both as a fruit, and as a flavoring in foods and soda.

But what exactly is guava, and what are the best ways to eat it?
What Is Guava?
Guava is a tropical fruit that is commonly found in many tropical and subtropical regions, and serves as one of the main fruits consumed within those countries.
As the fruit of the Psidium guajava tree, guava is native to Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and northern South America – however in recent years it has also become slightly more common in the United States and further afield.
Characterized by a green outer skin, and a pale red inner skin (similar to the watermelon), the guava is as attractive as it is tasty.
What Does It Taste Like?
While the flavor of the guava is quite hard to pin down, it is considered to be fruity, sweet, pleasant, and somewhat like a cross between a strawberry, a pineapple, and a passion fruit.
This makes it largely pleasant, and able to be used in numerous different ways – including flavoring for drinks and foods, sweetening agents in various baked goods, and even within cooking.
How To Eat Guava Fruit
For those who are not familiar with guava, eating it couldn’t be more simple.
Look For Ripeness
Firstly, you need to ensure that you have chosen a ripe guava. This means that it should not be rock hard or squishy – instead being somewhat firm, but softer to the touch.
This is the best way to guarantee the best taste possible, and means you will have the best and easiest experience while eating.
As A Whole
Firstly, the entire guava fruit is safe to eat, and can be eaten as a whole – seeds, skin, and all.
This is the common way to eat the fruit in its native countries, and is a great way to get the taste, texture, and nutrients associated with the fruit.
Sliced In Half
You could also eat it sliced in half – using a sharp knife to cut it down the middle – like you might a kiwi fruit – and then use a spoon to eat the red flesh inside.
This can be a pleasant – if not somewhat messy – way of doing things, and is great if you are concerned with the skin on fruit, and the germs that might be present. It is also good if the skin of the fruit happens to be bruised, old, or damaged.
Is Guava Healthy?
As well as being tasty and attractive, guava is also thought to be very healthy – possessing high nutrient content, and being beneficial for numerous aspects of health and wellbeing.
What Are The Benefits Of Eating Guava?
As you might imagine, there are many benefits to eating guava fruit – all of them making it a highly beneficial part of a healthy and balanced diet.
Lowering Blood Sugar
Firstly, it is thought that guava can be beneficial for lowering and leveling out blood sugar levels – something that can help stave off type 2 diabetes and other conditions.
While studies have progressed to human trials – and impressive results have been witnessed – it is still in its relative infancy, and needs more time to be confirmed.

Boosting Heart Health
The higher levels of potassium and soluble fiber within guava fruit lead experts to think it might be beneficial for improving heart health.
This can be great for older people, and can help people of all ages stave off heart disease and the associated problems that come with it.
Relieving Menstruation Symptoms
There has been some initial evidence to suggest that the guava fruit – in particular the leaves – can be beneficial for alleviating some of the pain associated with menstrual cramps, and thus helping to ease the process for women all around the world.
While tests are limited on its efficacy, this could prove highly beneficial for countless billions worldwide.
Aiding Digestive Health
There is also some evidence to suggest that it could benefit digestive health – something that has widespread connections to numerous aspects of our health and wellbeing.
This is due to the high fiber content, which can help ease bowel movements, and improve gut health – leading to better all round health.
Boosting Immune System
It is also thought that the high vitamin C content of guava could be beneficial towards bolstering the immune system – something that could help us to avoid harmful illnesses and contagious diseases.
Final Thoughts
And there we have it, everything you need to know about guava, and the best ways to eat it once picked.
It is certainly true that, in modern times, we have far more choices when it comes to the fruit and vegetables we consume – with more and more choices becoming commonplace and widely available.
So if you want to learn the best ways to eat guava fruit, then be sure to check out this handy guide. Something tells me you won’t be disappointed!
Frequently Asked Questions
Now that we know a little more about guava fruit, and the best ways to eat it once picked and cleaned, it is now time to answer some frequently asked questions that you might be interested in.
Unfortunately for fans of the fruit, guava can indeed be quite expensive – at least when compared to more commonplace types of fruit like apples and oranges.
Another downside of guava is that it can be quite difficult to find – especially in the western world. However, it is becoming increasingly common, and can be found in most major cities and stores.
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